Paper Crush Design Information
1520 Belle View Boulevard
Suite #5243
Alexandria, VA 22307
Business Phone Number: 571-384-8129
Business Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm EST | Closed Saturday, Sunday and Holidays
From as far back as I can remember, I have always had a love for paper. Planners, notebooks, journals, greeting cards…. you name it…. anything paper, I would flock to it. To this day, if a card or notebook is unique and gorgeous it will find its way into my paper stash. The same is true for pens – I have a massive pen and pencil collection! It was not until moving that I understood just how large my paper and pen obsession was. When I packed everything up and noticed that it took several boxes just to hold my office supplies, I realized that I needed to turn my passion into a business.
As an interior designer, nothing that I studied formally covered graphic design. In design school, I was forced to use design programs, so I knew my way around them. But going down the trail of creating stationery from scratch required me to research and teach myself what I did not know. I learned a lot by creating my own stationery which then blossomed into creating stationery for family and friends. Before I knew it, in 2010, I had created a stationery business that I absolutely loved!
The increase in my design work and the sudden loss of the tried-and-true planner that I had routinely used for years created a major problem for me in that I needed to find a new way to keep everything organized. No matter what planner I tried, nothing seemed to work. I went through three planners in one month before realizing that although they were gorgeous, the layouts were too busy for them to be functional for me. I required a minimal aesthetic that allowed my daily life to stand out more than the graphics on the page. A saying from my southern roots – “simple, but elegant” – was on the top of my mind as I set out to design the planner that I needed. I spent endless days and late nights designing the perfect planner for me. Noting that I never carried the same notebook every day, my planner designs grew to include planner sheets, notes pages, and planner refills for both my planner as well as my notebook.
While simplicity of design makes for a great layout, luxury makes it truly stand out. I made it a mission to use only the best papers and supplies for PCD designs – just like the papers I would look at and collect as a little girl. PCD went full time in 2014 and after adding some items into the lineup and taking some items away to test what works and what does not, PCD remains a busy custom stationery and graphic design studio in the DC Metro area serving clients locally and beyond.